Micro-app doesn't sync/deploy to the LTE Beacon

Our LTE-Beacons are awaiting for sync for 3 days, I found thier next heartbeat as June 1st. till then they won’t sync the production app on them?

How to sync with apps immediately. To execute our apps on them.
Some times, Force sync by pressing side button and center button won’t working by holding them together event more than 30sec (actually it has sync after 10sec)


Literally, both LTE-Beacons were not responding to productions just showing the status as

Awaiting synchronization forever

We checked it, and it looks like you don’t have LTE-M coverage—the only syncs/heartbeats we can see are when you’re connected via Web IDE/Bluetooth, because then we route the traffic via Bluetooth & the Web IDE, and not via LTE.

For future reference, here’s a short paragraph on how to check if your beacon is able to connect to the network:


Yes, LTE-Beacons are connected to local carrier, but carrier connection was lost.

Jakub share a cell tower detctor of micro app code, When I run in the LTE Beacons output was initially negetive later it detects a previous carrier which is connected, how to connect the carrier to LTE-Beacon.

Ouput of the micro app code for “Cell Tower Detector”

[12:45:58] - - - - - - - - - - -
!(upload://xZOgK9LcPHCzWt1iWZdDLzAuZ7A.svg [12:46:03] Simcard ID (ICCID): undefined
!(upload://xZOgK9LcPHCzWt1iWZdDLzAuZ7A.svg [12:46:03] Mobile Country Code (MCC): 404
!(upload://xZOgK9LcPHCzWt1iWZdDLzAuZ7A.svg [12:46:03] Mobile Network Code (MNC): 49
!(upload://xZOgK9LcPHCzWt1iWZdDLzAuZ7A.svg [12:46:03] Location Area Code (LAC): 20271
[12:46:03] Cell ID: 38941
[12:46:03] Cell RSSI: 29
[12:46:03] {“name”:“IND airtel Hologram”,“signal”:29,“rssi”:-56,“ber”:99,“mcc”:404,“mnc”:49,“lac”:20271,“cell”:38941,“tech”:“EDGE”,“band”:“GSM 900”}

And one more thing, We can our LTE-Beacon in cloud.estimote.com, but in Android Estimote App showing claim button. Can you fix this?

Jakub share a cell tower detctor of micro app code, When I run in the LTE Beacons output was initially negetive later it detects a previous carrier which is connected, how to connect the carrier to LTE-Beacon.

LTE Beacon connects to cellular network automatically when it needs to synchronise data with Cloud.

And one more thing, We can our LTE-Beacon in cloud.estimote.com, but in Android Estimote App showing claim button. Can you fix this?

What do you can with your LTE Beacon in cloud.esimote.com and cannot in Android app? We need to know some details, otherwise we won’t be able to fix it. Since it is an issue with Android app, please create separate topic for that, as you have been asked before.

@pober checkout the previous reply by @heypiotr for topic (post) My LTE-Beacon’s heartbeat was set to one Month, force sync also not working. he replied for the following.

The code Jakub shared with you includes an undocumented function (the setTech part) that makes your beacon use GSM/EDGE instead of LTE-M. This explains why with Jakub’s code your beacon can connect to the network, but with your own code it doesn’t. You can copy the setTech part to your own micro-app.

Note: that function is undocumented for a reason, since the GSM/EDGE support is not an official feature of the LTE Beacon, and we will be removing it in the future. (And regardless, many carriers around the world are phasing out GSM/EDGE as well.) But in the meantime, it might be a viable workaround for lack of LTE-M in your area (:

Yes, it works for one of our LTE-Beacon, other didn’t complete the status (awaiting for synchronization)

As I kept updating the beacons data for every 30 secs with USB connected runs for approx 1hr, Then I changed to every 1 minute it keeps updates for approx 18hr. Then stopped updating.

And other beacon not syncing even I do the force sync, it just blinking the LEDs

Yes, it works for one of our LTE-Beacon, other didn’t complete the status ( awaiting for synchronization )

And other beacon not syncing even I do the force sync, it just blinking the LEDs

Again … this is most likely because there’s no LTE-M coverage in your area, so your LTE Beacons can’t talk to Estimote Cloud by default.

You need to manually upload your micro-app via Bluetooth/WebIDE. Once the setTech instruction kicks in and enables the fallback to GSM/EDGE, then your beacons should be able to log into the network, and syncs should start working. Or maybe not, please keep in mind the GSM/EDGE fallback is not officially supported by us.

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