Micro App only working when connected

I run your code on my LTE Beacon and it runs fine even when disconnected from WebIDE. I can think about two possibilities:

  1. When LTE Beacon is connected in WebIDE it sends events to the cloud using Bluetooth (to save on battery and data plan), when it is disconnected then it uses cellular connection. This clearly suggests that there are some problems with LTE (usually no coverage). Similar issue was mentioned in this topic.
    You can run this simple snippet to check if there if a valid cellular coverage and device was able to register to network.
lte.getStatus().then( status => print("LTE Avalilable: " + status)).catch( e => print("LTE Not available: "+e))
  1. Beacon’s battery is discharged to a level where it is not possible to maintain cellular connectivity. However Bluetooth and other sensors are working and they can collect and store data before battery is completely drained. This data will be transferred to Cloud when beacon will be charged again.
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