Mesh networking - Emoji propagation demo


I have new beacon user/developer. I have been trying to implement the “Emoji propagation demo”, as shown in Estimote developer website. I have downloaded Emoji Explorer code and have managed to get the demo app running. However, every time I try to connect to a beacon using the app, it displays at first ‘Connecting to a beacon’, but is unable to connect to the beacon and it displays ‘Disconnected from the beacon’. Also, when I try to share a emoji, the app displays that ‘Mesh network stopped working’.

What could be the possible reason for that? Could there be something wrong with the beacon settings or am I missing something?

I would like to implement a mesh network with Estimote beacons in order to identify user locations in a place which has no internet connectivity. Would that be possible to do so?

Sorry for late response—what model of beacons do you have? I’m not sure if this example app is resilient against using it with beacons it doesn’t support (:

Hi. same problem, i have long range location beacon models and the app doesn’t works. Do you have another app to try mesh connectivity

I have beacons with Hardware Version F3.3 and D3.4