I have an app that simply needs to detect a primary and secondary beacon are visible to the app. I am having a hard time figuring out how to get the Identifier of nearby beacons to compare. I’ve tried ranging on iOS and that doesn’t expose identifier but only UUID, major, minor etc.
I also tried [ self.deviceManager startDeviceDiscoveryWithFilter:filter]; with a generic filter to look at all nearby beacons. And the ESTDeviceLocationBeacons that are returned do not return the identifier. On Android I’m good using
beaconManager.setConfigurableDevicesListener(new BeaconManager.ConfigurableDevicesListener() {
public void onConfigurableDevicesFound(List configurableDevices) {
those devices have a deviceId which is the identifier. device.deviceId . What’s the iOS equivalent to this? I just cant figure out how to do a simple task of seeing if user is near two beacons.