iOS Bluetooth custom message


I’m struggling with the user prompt for the Bluetooth with a custom message. The default popup is : “Turn On Bluetooth to Allow “My application” to Connect to Accessories”.

Normally we can add a custom message with the corresponding string of NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key added in the Info.plist of the project.

But it seems that does not work for iOS 7, iOS 8 and iOS 9.

So I don’t know what I’m missing here.

Thanks for your help

This key is for something different:

If you want to customize the “you have BT turned off” message, instantiate a CBCentralManager and check its state property, and implement centralManagerDidUpdateState delegate method.

Thanks for your answer. But it seems that the answer in this Stackoverflow topic does not work as well.

I just want the iOS system message as described :
[App Name] would like to make data available to nearby bluetooth devices even when you’re not using the app.

I enabled the bluetooth-peripheral option in Background mode options but nothing happens except this iOS system popup for turning the bluetooth on so I’m really wondering how to get this message.


I’m a bit confused.

Turn On Bluetooth to Allow [App Name] to Connect to Accessories

is shown when you instantiate CBCentralManager (because you want to scan for non-iBeacon BLE devices) with CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey option enabled. There’s no way to customize this message—instead, leave that option disabled (it is by default), and use UIAlertController to show your own pop-up.

[App Name] would like to make data available to nearby bluetooth devices even when you’re not using the app.

is when you instantiate the CBPeripheralManager (because you want to advertise as a BLE device) and have the bluetooth-peripheral Background Mode enabled, indicating that you want the advertising to work even if the app is not running.

Are you scanning for BLE devices or advertising as a BLE device?