Indoor Location wayfinding Android

 Hello ,

 I am reaching out to discuss the feasibility of implementing indoor location-based services in our
 Android App 

 Is Indoor Location possible without Map your location ? and possible then what is step for this 

   I have implement multiple scenario in our app like 

  1)Automatic Indoor Navigation Pathfinding System: 
  Imagine you're inside a big building like an office or an airport. Without having to tell the system 
  where you are, it figures it out on its own. Then, when you tell it where you want to go, it draws a 
  route for you to follow to get there, just like GPS does outside but inside buildings.

 2)Object Identification in Museums:
  This scenario aims to enhance visitor experiences in museums by providing relevant information 
  about exhibited objects. Upon a visitor's approach to an object, a tag or beacon would trigger 
  communication with the visitor's device, facilitating the retrieval of pertinent information about the 

 3)How can Indoor Location be used in stores and shopping malls?

 Indoor Location should be particularly helpful in large stores and shopping malls, where visitors 
 often   get lost or confused about which department offers a specific product. With an app using 
 Indoor   Location, they could simply type the product name or type, and starting from their location, 
 the app  would guide them quickly to the specific place. It could also display promotions from other 
 stores as  they pass by. Through your Cloud account, you could also analyze the most frequently 
 visited  places, and plan your visual merchandising around actual statistical data.

   So How i started this scenario without mapping location & any one here can help me.
   How to create floor plan.
   Recently I have 3 uwb beacons.

  Thanks in Advance

well, all of these depend on data not on the UWB chip. SO, you have to decide HOW you will get the additional info.

  1. depend on some network, if wifi, then you have to connect to some ssid/pw before you can transfer the data . the UWB beacon can give you its ID, but that has to be mapped to something that can give you the crucial info needed for navigation

  2. get ID from devices nearby UWB or ortherwise, and use cell connection… not reliable indoors in all places.

  3. for long distances, museum, factory, ONE beacon destination may not be enough (beyond 30 meters)
    so you need a waypoint type model… got to A, then to C, then to Q to get to F. GPS isn’t granular enough for that, and doesn’t work indoors anyhow

  4. in our solution (small room navigation) we colocate a microprocessor with the UWB board
    this provides
    context info
    and some other info
    all accessible via BLE

the app on the phone can search (BLE) for devices with particular characteristics, locate the nearest matching,
and then use UWB distance and direction to guide the user.

this depends on no external network

we have talked about how we handle the museum scenario
it would be a custom app

   Ok Thank You @sdetweil.

    Recently first My use cases based on Estimote Indoor Location - tracking assets or 
    people, wayfinding
    So Now I Implement scenario like Manager inside a big building like an office room and In office 
    they have placed 3 or 4 UWB beacon.
    when  a visitor's enter in the office and beacon communication with the visitor's device, and notify  
    where you want to go, it draws a route for that person to follow to get there, and find manager 

   How I approch this scenario. Is this possible UWB beacon or any others without mapping location

   if Yes possible then what is step follow step by step 
   I have some other query like
   1) how to create floor plan in android? as per I have read your artical like mapping your location 
    & is it necessory to create floor plan? if yes then can we create floor plan from estimote website? 

   Thank you

for your use case i think you want a different beacon type. the location beacon. see

OK Thank you.

I also read site like

Nearby devices that are UWB-enabled and have compatible apps connect to these beacons and compute precise distance and angle. Apps use spatial awareness data to deliver breakthrough experiences, such as

  1. location-based services, way-finding

  2. in large stores and shopping malls, where visitors often get lost or confused about which department offers a specific product. With an app using Indoor Location, they could simply type the product name or type, and starting from their location, the app would guide them quickly to the specific place.

  3. indentify product details in mall or museum

So can I use UWB beacon for this above scenario?

I also want to implement way-finding scenario in our app so what is step by step follow for this scenario.

well, distance for UWB is <30 meters , so not very far. it is great for the last mile, but not great for large distances… so some hybrid of longer distance devices with short distance…

way finding, handoff between short distance devices could be possible, I haven’t looked at that scenario,
it would require some backend services I think to be able to know what you are looking for and how to use the anchors/tags/??? devices found along the way, route calculation/map drawing in not part of the UWB feature set.