Nowadays we’re seeing a lot of investments around iBeacons in most of retailers like Carrefour, McDonalds, Wallmart and so on.
Looking to evaluate the market I have a questions about the reality around iBeacons, applications and how small retailers are seeing this technology today.
How many mobile customers are really downloading the apps and enabling or accepting to enable the bluetooth feature in the mobile phone?
Are small retailers evaluating a possibility to use Beacons or is a technology just for the big retailers.
I’m a software developer currently starting a proof of concept based in iBeacon using Estimote, evaluating the best approach for my application and looking markets as retail or any other where beacon will be a great tool. My apps is working fine using the SDK but there are a lot things to do.
Thanks so much and I’ll appreciate any feedback about my doubts, and if this is not the best place to put my doubts according my questions in this group I’ll be happy to have the right direction.