How would you get the attachments value from a ProximityZone? I am using the following tutorial:
Here is the part for ProximityZone:
// add this below:
ProximityZone zone = new ProximityZoneBuilder()
.onEnter(new Function1<ProximityZoneContext, Unit>() {
public Unit invoke(ProximityZoneContext context) {
String deskOwner = context.getAttachments().get("desk-owner");
Log.d("app", "Welcome to " + deskOwner + "'s desk");
return null;
.onExit(new Function1<ProximityZoneContext, Unit>() {
public Unit invoke(ProximityZoneContext context) {
Log.d("app", "Bye bye, come again!");
return null;
What I want to do is use the string deskOwner somewhere else, but I’m not sure how to extract that from the ProximityZone zone. Any suggestions?