I’ve tried to get battery level from Eddystone-TLM, but it’s no so easy, because I can only get the battery voltage.
So I activated Estimote Telemetry.
I’ve also activated Eddystone-UID.
Eddystone-UID is using for simple indoor location. If a beacon is detected, the app knows, in which room is the user.
Now, I want additionally to get the battery level and temperature. I do it with TelemetryListener.
The problem is:
with EddystoneListener I get list of Eddystone-objects,
with TelemetryListener I get list of EstimoteTelemetry-objects.
First have macAddresses, second deviceIds.
- How can I match the data to the same beacon, if I only have Eddystone-Object and EstimoteTelemetry-Object?
- Or is it possible to get deviceId from namespace and instance of beacon?