Enter and exit events are triggered multiple times

In my sample project, I just monitored one beacon. It appeared that didEnterRegion and didExitRegion are triggered from time to time but I didn’t touch my phone and the beacon.

I printed out the uuid, major and minor so that I could tell it’s the same beacon. I didn’t change the identifier for the beacon in code, either.

From the log, looks like the beacon is shut down and then turned on in a very short period of time. But indeed, I didn’t touch anything.

Anyone can help? Thanks in advance.

Paste console log here (append major and minor to the end of UUID):

2016-10-03 15:33:33.530684 [944:263955] beaconManager:didEnterRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:38:38.620294 [944:263955] beaconManager:didExitRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:38:44.045638 [944:263955] beaconManager:didEnterRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:42:52.736620 [944:263955] beaconManager:didExitRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:43:28.584360 [944:263955] beaconManager:didEnterRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:44:03.391012 [944:263955] beaconManager:didExitRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:45:27.403870 [944:263955] beaconManager:didEnterRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:46:08.419113 [944:263955] beaconManager:didExitRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:47:54.092222 [944:263955] beaconManager:didEnterRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:48:31.247089 [944:263955] beaconManager:didExitRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:50:09.199618 [944:263955] beaconManager:didEnterRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:50:44.250331 [944:263955] beaconManager:didExitRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:52:27.169180 [944:263955] beaconManager:didEnterRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:52:58.280206 [944:263955] beaconManager:didExitRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338 2016-10-03 15:54:27.856418 [944:263955] beaconManager:didEnterRegion: 584E0FFF-CFFE-CB03-E993-DE353A7B29B7-55478-42338

It looks like your iOS device is “losing” the beacon periodically. What device are you testing on? Can you try rebooting, and another device? This will help establish if the problem is with the device, or the beacon. You might also want to try lowering the advertising interval, e.g., to 200–300 ms. If the beacon emits packets more frequently, then the chance for the iOS device to lose it goes down.


Thanks for the reply.

I did some testing on different devices.

The issue happened on iPhone 6s with iOS 10 and iPhone 7 with iOS 10. But it didn’t happen on iPod touch 5 with iOS 9.3.5.

I suspect it has something to do with iOS 10? Not sure though.

Also by the way, I already set the advertising interval to 980ms.

We are also experiencing that iBeacon monitoring is unreliable under iOS 10

I filed a radar: https://openradar.appspot.com/radar?id=4969538768601088
and there are other ones: https://openradar.appspot.com/27987713

Looks like something changed in iOS to the worse, here is another forum entry that seems to be related: Ranging beacons not working if wifi is enabled

Thanks for filing a bug report with Apple, this helps tremendously to raise awareness with Apple engineers about the problem.

Little hint from our experience: when filing a bug about iBeacon, Apple always expects you to use strict iBeacon settings—i.e., 100 ms adv interval, Smart Power Mode disabled.

The same happens with on Android 6.0 usind Xamarin Android SDK. The Listener raises Entered and Exit functions multiple times for the same beacons.

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I am also experiencing this with native Android.