Contact and no answer

how is possible to contact Estimote staff? I have sent a couple of messages by mail with any reply.



if this is order-related then contact (at) estimote com is the best email.

If this is a support question for non-commercial project of Dev Kit user then posting question here would probably makes most sense as we can’t quickly respond to non-commercial support requests.



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we have written ( twice), the point is that we still waiting for a reply (…and for the beacons)!


hi, I’m having the same problem - nobody is getting back to me through email on my developer kit and when it will ship and when it will arrive.

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No response to 2 requests for an ETA on delivery… very frustrating.

Is there an update on this order please?

It seems to be stuck on “manufacturing”.

Is there an estimated ETA for delivery?

No response to 2 requests for an ETA on delivery… very frustrating.

Is there an update on this order please?

It seems to be stuck on “manufacturing”.

Is there an estimated ETA for delivery?

Hey Folks,

we really appreciate your patience here.
We manufacture UWB Beacons in batches and we charge when we ship.

So if your card was charged it means you will receive your beacons soon.
Few days after we charge we send a shipment notification with tracking details.

If your order wasn’t charged yet and you need us prioritize you can shoot a note.

BTW: Once you receive beacons here are compatible SDKs: