Changing the battery

Hello community!

I did a quick search and I couldn't find anything specific on how to change the battery.

I have broken into one of our beacons and I felt like it was quite brutal. Does anyone have any advice on the easiest way to get into these to change the batteries?

Hi Mark,

Please write me I will send you advices how to replace the battery :)

Hi Aga, you should share a video with the process

Hi Ernesto,

Good point. We will release the video soon, already working on that!


I've been also little bit brutal while opening one of beacons
And I've broken a component marked as "34P A6"
You can see it marked on this picture

Can you please tell me which is this component?
I couldn't find it by its marking signs

2 of my beacons are also not working. Can you please share some video of hoe to change battery?

Hi Muhammad,
Please write to me directly at aga [at] I will do my best to help you with the battery.



Did you manage to solve the problem with the component?

I have already sent you an email yesterday. Thanks


Please check your inbox, I've just answered you.

Hello! I bought CR2477 to change the batteries of my beacons.

But my kit is: Developer Preview Kit (3 bluetooth low energy beacons) in this way, the CR2477 doesn’t fit in the beacon… the battery is bigger than the space letf to this.

What should I do?