Hello everyone,
Please help me out here i’m going crazy. I use to work with beacons in Swift.
I now have to do a project in objective-c.
Installed the SDK so far so good, but going crazy on the monitoring. I can’t monitor, I have an error " insuffisant granted rights". But the ranging works good.
What i want to do, and I got it working in swift, is to monitor and on didEnterRegion start ranging.
Can’t solve it, been on it for hours.
What I’m missing in objective -c ? Tried with ios 7.0 and ios 8.0
self.beaconManager = [[ESTBeaconManager alloc] init];
self.beaconManager.delegate = self;
self.beaconRegion = [[CLBeaconRegion alloc]
initWithProximityUUID:[[NSUUID alloc]
identifier:@"monitored region"];
[self.beaconManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
[self.beaconManager startMonitoringForRegion: self.beaconRegion];
[self.beaconManager startRangingBeaconsInRegion: self.beaconRegion];