Bulk update Android SDK

I downloaded the latest Estimote SDK and I’m trying to use the BulkUpdater but I’ve been unable to do so.


ConfigurableDevicesScanner cds=new ConfigurableDevicesScanner(getApplicationContext());
cds.enableBulkFirmwareUpdate(new BulkUpdater.BulkUpdaterCallback() {

public void onReceivedDevicesToUpdate(List<DeviceId> list, BulkUpdater.Status status) {
                           for(DeviceId d : list) { }

             public void onDeviceStatusChange(ConfigurableDevice configurableDevice, BulkUpdater.Status         status, String s) {
            String test="";

        public void onFinished(int i, int i1) {
            String prueba="";


        public void onError(DeviceConnectionException e) {
            String prueba="";

After this I’m lost. What am I supposed to do? Has anyone enabled this feature?`