Bulk Updater Classes


We are trying to understand how to consume the bulkupdater classes: ESTBulkUpdater & ESTLocationBeaconBulkUpdater.

Two questions:

  1. Is it necessary for our app to establish connection with the beacon (using the ESTBeaconConnection or ESTDeviceManager classes) before the bulkupdate classes can perform configuration update on the target beacons? In other words, does the bulkupdater classes automatically initiate a connection to a target beacon once its prescence has been reported by in the array of CLBeacon objects returned in the method beaconManager:didRangeBeacons:inRegion:?

  2. The new ESTLocationBeaconBulkUpdater class (to be used with the new generation beacons) uses an array of ESTSettingOperation objects instead of an array of ESTBeaconUpdateInfo objects. The ESTBeaconUpdateInfo objects can be retrieved via the method fetchEstimoteBeaconsWithCompletion in the ESTCloudManager class. I can’t find any class in the SDK which can be used to retrieve an array of ESTSettingOperation objects. Does our app need to build the ESTSettingOperation objects array? If so, how would we go about building these objects?

Is there a blog post or sample code explaining how to consume these bulk updater classes?



Hi Denny, welcome to forums!

Re: 1, the bulk updater automatically takes care of the connection processes, you don’t need to worry about that at all.

Re: 2, sadly, we haven’t yet added an API for the ESTLocationBeaconBulkUpdater to be able to fetch the pending changes from Estimote Cloud.

EDIT: Ooops, I spoke too soon, it looks like we actually added that recently! (:


Thanks for your reply. I am aware of the method startCloudupdate and am confused by the documentation. The API implies our app need to build the settings object. This method merely kick off the update process against the defined settings object.

Can you please confirm how this API is supposed to be consumed? It would be great if you can share some sample code from your QA process so I can see how your QA team tested this API.