Beacon Not Fount

I have three beacons. After modifying the beacons with Estimote app, they have three different proximity UUID. Now my demo app does not found the beacons. Is there any way to find beacon which are in range, if they have different UUID?
In sample app there is necessary to give UUID and those beacons are found which have that particular UUID.
I need help to find all beacons, if they have different UUID.

Sorry for my mistake - title should be --- "Beacon Not Found"

Hi Ankush,

You need to implement new UUID's into your demo app. Which SDK do you use?


Please elaborate your answer.

I tell you a scenario -- If I have thirty beacons and they each have different UUID. Now from my app I want to find all those beacons. But in sdk sample code there need to give a particular UUID to search beacons and the app only found those beacons which are match with that particular UUID.

Is there has any way to found all beacons?

I have use latest SDK that is v1.4.

Hi Ankush,

You need to create new regions ( in your app which monitors or ranges for these UUID's.
