Hi, I am developer with “Estimote” beacon and “Android studio application”.
I’m trying to change my beacon’s major minor ID with my own app(Android studio)!!
So I made an App about that.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private BeaconConnection beaconConnection;
DeviceConnectionProvider connectionProvider;
List<ConfigurableDevice> deviceList;
DeviceConnection connection;
private boolean connectedToTheConnectionProvider;
ConfigurableDevicesScanner deviceScanner;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
EstimoteSDK.initialize(getApplicationContext(), "capston-kdd", "c58b9a1b27bc540fe1fe409219e3064f");
connectionProvider = new DeviceConnectionProvider(this);
connectionProvider.connectToService(new DeviceConnectionProvider.ConnectionProviderCallback() {
public void onConnectedToService() {
// Handle your actions here. You are now connected to connection service.
// For example: you can create DeviceConnection object here from connectionProvider.
connectedToTheConnectionProvider = true;
// beaconConnection = BeaconConnection.getInstance(this);
// beaconConnection.setConnectionProvider();
protected void onResume() {
if (SystemRequirementsChecker.checkWithDefaultDialogs(this)) {
deviceScanner = new ConfigurableDevicesScanner(this);
deviceScanner.scanForDevices(new ConfigurableDevicesScanner.ScannerCallback() {
public void onDevicesFound(List<ConfigurableDevicesScanner.ScanResultItem> devices) {
for(ConfigurableDevicesScanner.ScanResultItem item : devices) {
Log.d("Scanned Beacon:","--" + item.device.macAddress.toString() + "--" + item.device.deviceId + "--");
if (connectedToTheConnectionProvider){
connection = connectionProvider.getConnection(deviceList.get(0));
connection.connect(new DeviceConnectionCallback() {
public void onConnected() {
// Do something with your connection.
// You can for example read device settings, or make an firmware update.
Log.d("DeviceConnection", "onConnected");
// Take your connected DeviceConnection object and get it's editor
SettingsEditor edit = connection.edit();
// edit.set(connection.settings.beacon.proximityUUID(), UUID.fromString("B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D"));
edit.set(connection.settings.beacon.major(), 11);
edit.set(connection.settings.beacon.minor(), 22);
edit.commit(new SettingCallback() {
public void onSuccess(Object value) {
// Handle success here. It will be called only when all settings have been written.
Log.d("DeviceBulkWrite","Bulk write successful");
public void onFailure(DeviceConnectionException exception) {
// Handle exceptions
Log.d("DeviceBulkWrite","Bulk write failed");
public void onDisconnected() {
// Every time your device gets disconnected, you can handle that here.
// For example: in this state you can try reconnecting to your device.
Log.d("DeviceConnection", "onDisconnected");
public void onConnectionFailed(DeviceConnectionException exception) {
// Handle every connection error here.
Log.d("DeviceConnection", "onConnectionFailed");
protected void onStop() {
protected void onPause() {
if (deviceScanner!=null && deviceScanner.isScanning()){
protected void onDestroy() {
if (connectionProvider!=null)
But… there are some problem.
When I started my app, That was killed because of some errors. But I don’t know why…
If you can teach me or solve this problem, please don’t hesitate to say to me.
Thank you.