we are starting a student project using Beacons with Web Bluetooth API.
We have to develop an interactive HTML webpage that use JavaScript
for the access of our three “Estimote Proximity Beacons” from a Chrome browser of a smartphone.
Would you please tell me if it is possible? (We do not develop a native Android application).
Is there a way to access estimotes via javascript in browser?
Using beacons with websites
Progressive web app beacon search -
Are there JavaScript programming examples for the scan of Beacons?
When we understand correctly our webpage should scan for Beacons cyclically
but we do not need to connect to the Beacons,
because the webpage should only know near which Beacon the user is.
Thank you very much
Best regards
Something like that ?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Web Bluetooth API access example</h1>
<p>Scann for Estimote Proximity Beacons</p>
<!-- JavaScript accessing Bluetooth -->
<!-- Ask user for the permission for the Bluetooth access -->
navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({filters: [{name: "Unique Name"}] });
.then(device => {
log('> Name: ' + device.name);
log('> Id: ' + device.id);
.catch(error => { console.log(error); });