Tried to read 1mb storage with android

By authorization I mean generating APP_ID and APP_TOKEN in Cloud console and setting it by:

EstimoteSDK.initialize(applicationContext, “YOUR APP ID”, “YOUR APP TOKEN”);

It is required to access beacon settings, but it is not required to access storage.
com.estimote.mgmtsdk.feature.settings.ReadableDeviceSetting@b6afe53 is an accessor object that is used to read temperature. You need to call get method first.
Here is an example from tutorial how to read firmware version:

connection.settings.deviceInfo.firmware().get(new SettingCallback<Version>() {
  public void onSuccess(final Version value) {
    // Handle read data here. 
    // For example: display them in UI. This callback will be called in the same thread as connection was created (not opened).
    // You can use your activity method runOnUIThread(Runnable runnable) to handle that.
    Log.d("DeviceRead","Read firmware version:  " + value.toString());

  @Override public void onFailure(DeviceConnectionException exception) {
    // Handle exceptions here.
    Log.d("DeviceRead","Reading firmware version failed.");

I noticed that there no call to connect method which should look like this (also from tutorial):

// Pass your ConfigurableDevice to connection provider method
DeviceConnection connection = connectionProvider.getConnection(device);
connection.connect(new DeviceConnectionCallback() {
  public void onConnected() {
    // Do something with your connection.
    // You can for example read device settings, or make an firmware update.
    Log.d("DeviceConnection", "onConnected");

  public void onDisconnected() {
    // Every time your device gets disconnected, you can handle that here.
    // For example: in this state you can try reconnecting to your device.
    Log.d("DeviceConnection", "onDisconnected");

  public void onConnectionFailed(DeviceConnectionException exception) {
    // Handle every connection error here.
    Log.d("DeviceConnection", "onConnectionFailed");

There should be a log message telling that you are trying to make a read on not connected connection object.
Can you send logs to confirm that?