Struggling with app approval


My app is being rejected for the following reason - I'd be really grateful if anyone could advise me on what I should put in my plist for an app using Estimote iBeacons:

2.16 Details

Your app declares support for external-accessory in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist file but does not declare any external accessory protocols supported by your app. The external accessory background mode is intended for applications that communicate with hardware accessories through the External Accessory framework.

Next Steps

If your app is meant to work with external hardware, supported protocols must be included in the UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols key in your app's Info.plist file - and the hardware's PPID # should be provided in the Review Notes field of iTunes Connect.

Additionally, your app must be authorized by MFi to use the desired hardware. If you are not yet in the MFi Program, you can enroll at MFi program.

Please either revise your Info.plist to include the UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols key and update your Review Notes to include the PPID # - or remove the external-accessory value from the UIBackgroundModes key.

Hey Anton,

Your app got rejected because you turned on Background Modes (seeing the response, most probably some of the Bluetooth ones), but you don't actually utilize them, or your app does not provide any visible value for the user in return for being capable of running in the background.

Note that you do not need any Background Modes to use beacons, and the background beacon monitoring. If beacons were the only reason you enabled Background Modes, you can safely disable them.

Thanks Piotr,

I've removed them from the plist and resubmitted. In review again. I'll update if this solved my problem.
