Hi, I just got my indoor location beacons and am setting up my first app. I have the indoor location sdk all set up and good to go and I’m trying to follow this tutorial (http://developer.estimote.com/ibeacon/tutorial/part-2-background-monitoring/). I set everything up right but when I try to use startMonitoringForRegion and put in my unique proximity uuid and major/minor values, I always get the error message ‘‘NSUUID’ is not implicitly convertible to ‘UUID’; did you mean to use ‘as’ to explicitly convert?’. I have tried so many different things and nothing seems to work but only produce more error messages. I’m using a mac and have Xcode 8.2.1. I’m thinking that this is something wrong with me trying to follow an older tutorial but can’t find anything about correcting for newer versions of Swift. I would greatly appreciate help. Thank you!
Starting with Swift 3, the correct way is UUID(uuidString: "")
instead of the NSUUID(UUIDString: "")
. We’ve just fixed that in our tutorials (:
Thanks for the note!