Take a look at this note from our iBeacon tutorial:
Keep in mind: When monitoring a region that spans multiple beacons, there will be a single “enter” event when the first matching beacon is detected; and a single “exit” event when none of the matching beacons can be detected anymore. There’s no way to keep track of “interim” beacons’ “enters” and “exits”—other than creating a single region per each beacon of course.
If you define the region with the UUID, and you have, e.g., 3 beacons with that UUID in range, disabling (are you using Flip to Sleep?) one will still mean you’re in range of 2 more. So there will be no “exit region” event.
Thanks, I kept in mind and I used ‘Flip to sleep’. The problem is that not triggered any enter or exit.
My goal is to monitor > 20 beacons and start ranging within didEnterRegion/didExitRegion events to know its details (major, minor)
Additionally, I am using the estimote’s app templates.
can you help me with another tip or suggestion?