Well the detection is indeed possible with normal Bluetooth Scan (As you can see in the picture Sony Xperia M Bluetooth v4.0, A2DP)
The real question is if there is some way i can get the Major and Minor details from the beacon after normal bluetooth detection? Does estimote has nomal scan (not BLE) integrated in the API.
Looks like that by scanning you’re getting some bluetooth packets. I assumed that, by the fact that it shows you received signal strength for every packet. By payload I mean, what those packets contain. It’s binary data which presnted in hex may look for example like this:
I havent been able to get anything but the MacAddress and the name of the device, i think i will have to go with MacAddress and do some kind of patch around that.
Im a little confused, i get the part that Bluetooth Low Energy aka SMART is a part of Bluetooth 4.0 specification, but how come on Xperia device when running beaconManager.hasBluetooth() it takes me to the else condition. Do you think this is a hardware issue? The same code is running fine in GalaxyS6 and GalaxyS5 and finding beacons and entering geofence works just fine.
Interesting. This means that the Android API reports your Xperia as not BLE-capable, even if it is. You can try commenting out the if statement for a moment and seeing if despite this you can actually detect beacons. If you can, you’ll need to add an exception to your if condition for Xperia.
I removed the if statement to see if it detected beacons, but what it actually happens is that the line beaconManager.startMonitoring(ALL_ESTIMOTE_BEACONS); never gets called, so it never start to scan for beacons, this is the new code,