Issue is reproducible with example from
When I run it on any of our phones (Samsung Galaxy Prime (Android 5.1.1), SGS7 (Android 7.0). Moto G4 (android 7.0) and Nexus 6 (Android 7.1)) onPositionUpdate callback returns same X and Y coordinates no matter how I move around
12-12 11:15:46.324 12492-13112/com.estimote.indoorapp D/onPositionUpdate: 2.346812188047276:1.831566022772117 12-12 11:15:47.322 12492-13112/com.estimote.indoorapp D/onPositionUpdate: 2.346812188047276:1.831566022772117 12-12 11:15:48.322 12492-13112/com.estimote.indoorapp D/onPositionUpdate: 2.346812188047276:1.831566022772117 12-12 11:15:49.322 12492-13112/com.estimote.indoorapp D/onPositionUpdate: 2.346812188047276:1.831566022772117 12-12 11:15:50.321 12492-13112/com.estimote.indoorapp D/onPositionUpdate: 2.346812188047276:1.831566022772117 12-12 11:15:51.324 12492-13112/com.estimote.indoorapp D/onPositionUpdate: 2.346812188047276:1.831566022772117
When I go back to room selection and select same room again - position gets changed to my current location, and callback continues to return this new location without change
Same behavior is observed when we run our own java applications, but they do basically same stuff from example app.
I definitely had it working month ago using the same code, but now it is not.
I verified that application get all permissions granted for: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION BLUETOOTH and BLUETOOTH_ADMIN (in onRequestPermissionsResult callback)
I created location using Location builder from iOS SDK and Indoor Location app from App Store on iOS correctly show me my location and movements