Looking for devs to build back end beacon capabilities (CRM)


We are looking to build a customised backend platform with beacon push messaging capabilities, gathering of analytics , engagement and identification tools.

Looking for experienced developers in this domain. Please contact us as aditya@thesocialmill.net or tweet us @thesocialmillsg

Hello Aditya,

I am Kirtan Thaker, Co-founder at Whitelotus Corporation Pvt Ltd , India. We have develop quite a few apps using estimote beacons and I have emailed you the details.

It will be great if you can revert with more specifications. I look forward to discuss this with you.

My email: kirtan@whitelotuscorporation.com



Hi Aditya,
I have worked with several different types of ibeacons such as Estimote, Gimbal, Kontakt.io, Chinese ibeacons. I have developed following categories of applications that involves ibeacon detection as the key functionality:

  • ibeacon detection for restaurant application to push the various offers.
  • ibeacon detection in offices to detect and calculate the waiting time of the visitors in the office.

I have developed the application having following capabilities using ibeacons:

  1. Beacon monitoring and detection
  2. Beacon registration with user registration
  3. Location capturing
  4. Google or Apple Map integration to display location on map
  5. Ability to write generic beacon detection module that detects all types of beacons.
  6. Beacon detection in background mode
  7. Trigger notifications and actions as defined for the detection.

I also have good knowledge of asynchronous programming, background tasks, NSThread, caching, HTTP and socket connection network programming, image processing, push notifications, in app purchase, human interface guidelines for iOS/Android apps and app store publication.

My Sample work:
Roxle: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=1004816111&mt=8
Humana Fitness: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/humana-fitness/id927086652?mt=8

I have developed customized CRM backend for the app including Push messaging, Analytic Integration, Engagement and Identification.

I’d really appreciate if set up a meeting for further discussion on the project. Let me know when is the most convenient for you.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Mustafa Murabbi
Skype: mustafa_murabbi

Hi Aditya,

Nice to meet you hear!

We are happy to say that we have implemented many beacon based solutions for various industries and we have a rich experience on mobile technology whether it is Native android/iOS or cross-platform technology. We have implemented some beacon based solutions including back-end to manage the beacons, campaigns and notifications. We recently did projects for Bosch Next, ShopperTrak etc.

Feel free to visit our beacon marketing platform : http://www.softwebsmartretail.com/

Please share your requirement so that we can analyse it and proceed further. For your reference my email: naren@softwebsolutions.com

Best Regards,

Naren Patidar | Enterprise Solutions Consultant
Softweb Solutions Inc., Chicago, IL
Email: naren@softwebsolutions.com
Skype: narendra.softweb