I have a current real estate app for both agents and buyers. We have recently decided to app beacon functionality into our product. In doing so we landed on estimote and are looking for a developer to help us integrate this into our current app and website.
Heres what we are looking for:
Developer with experience using PhoneGap (We are a cross platform app built on PhoneGap). We know there is already an SDK from evothings that should make the actual integration pretty simple.
Developer with experience in PHP/Worpdress environments.
For our website, we want to make a simple page that will be integrated with the estimote API. A few things will need to be developed here.
1 - Easy way for users to add beacons they purchase
2 - Define those beacons within our system
3 - Provide a simple “if this then that” (IFTTT) environment.
Example, if user with app enters range, display picture of house.
Example, if user with app enters range, display form pre-populated with some information
(I have about 8 use cases which will need to be made into this simple format)
4 - I will need a dashboard to pull analytics and deliver the information back to the user in an easy way, all in one place.
The AGENT user should to be able to manage their beacons on my site and/or within the agent app.
The BUYER user app should be updated with everything they need in order to have a streamlined experience on their house hunt.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be contacted at anthony@amopenhouse.com.