List all beacons in a specific region in iOS

Hi, Anybody pls reply which api I can use for listing all beacons in a specific region or current location without knowing the UUID in iOS. I am developing an app that should scan for all beacons in a region and show some information about that when the user gets the Notification.

Hi shymol,

I think you can use the monitoring technology to check entering and exiting beacons (see here).

If you want to scan for all the beacons (not knowing the UUID), you must define your Region with null arguments. I’m actually programming with Android so I can’t say how to do that for iOS, but follow this, is quite well explained.

Hope it helps.

Thanks Ximun, I will try.

On iOS, you need to know at least the UUID of the beacon.

I am developing an app that should scan for all beacons in a region and show some information about that when the user gets the Notification.

I’d simply assign the same UUID to all your beacons, then start monitoring for that UUID. As soon as I get didEnter event, which means I’ve entered range of some of my beacons, start ranging to get a full list of majors and minors of beacons in range.

You can learn more about ranging and monitoring in this 3-part tutorial:

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Thanks for the reply…I have tried what you have suggested but unable to get the minor minor values in didRangeBeacon delegate. Major and Minor values are coming as null.

Hi @heypiotr am able to get beacon details Thanks.

Hi @heypiotr in this case how can I track the exit event… I want to show a notification to the user you have left the specific POI.

Also if I stop ranging on exit event it will stop for all the beacons.