Integration with current door lock monitoring system (ISONAS)


I am looking into using the Beacon technology to help track attendance at my company and have become very interested in utilizing your company’s technology. We are looking at alternatives of using an app on each employees smart phones and hopefully integrating with our current door lock monitoring. We currently use an ISONAS system to keep our offices secure and pass out key fobs and cards for our employees to get in/out of the building. I was wondering if it were currently supported (and if not, how long it might take) to have these key fobs and cards interact with the Beacons to automatically clock employees in/out - just as the app on the phone might. Please let me know your thoughts or any other alternatives that you can think of. Your insight is greatly appreciated!!!


That isn’t difficult at all. My company is doing a very similar function already. Company is called OnBord. It’s really all in how you code the solution.