Integrating Indoor location sdk in xcode

I followed all the instruction given in github for integrating indoor location sdk. I am facing the following issue while integrating indoor location sdk in existing app. Please help me on this.
Using Xcode 6.0.1

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeacon", referenced from:
      objc-class-ref in libEstimoteIndoorSDK.a(libEstimoteIndoorSDK.a-armv7-master.o)
     (maybe you meant: _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconUpdateInfo, _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconOwnerVO , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconDevice , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconCharInfo , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconConnection , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconCloud , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconVO , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconIO , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconPasswordVO , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconManager , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconOTA , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconUtils , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconFirmwareVO , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconWraper , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconConnected , _OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconUpdateConfig )
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$_ESTBeaconRegion", referenced from:
      objc-class-ref in libEstimoteIndoorSDK.a(libEstimoteIndoorSDK.a-armv7-master.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7

Thanks in advance.

Have you followed the instructions exactly as they are? Have you opted for the CocoaPods variant, or manual installation?

Yes. Opted manual installation.

Have you copied the “EstimoteSDK” to your project? You should have both libEstimoteSDK.a and libEstimoteIndoorSDK.a in your project:

Same in the “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” section on the “General” tab in project settings.

I copied only libEstimoteIndoorSDK.a and i am already using EstimoteSDK.framework for proximity.

Ah, gotcha. Sadly, current version of the Indoor Location SDK require the older version of the Estimote SDK (from the 2.x branch), and it won’t work with the EstimoteSDK.framework (i.e., our 3.x branch). You’d need to temporarily use the 2.x branch, until we release an updated Indoor SDK.

i am using ESTUtilityManager which is available in EstimoteSDK.framework for proximity. If i go with older version, it is not available. Please suggest How to make it possible.

In the older SDK, ESTUtilityManager’s startEstimoteBeaconDiscovery method was part of ESTBeaconManager. So you can downgrade to the older SDK, use ESTBeaconManager instead of ESTUtilityManager, and ESTBeaconManagerDelegate instead of ESTUtilityManagerDelegate.