How to determine my device is in or out from indoor location when my app is killed?

Hello everyone,

i have to determine my device is in or out from indoor location

i have to create indoor location from estimote indoor location app,and also implemented indoor location sdk in my application works perfect in foreground.

but not work when my application is killed.

please guys tell me how to determine my device is in or out from indoor location when my application is killed.


use Monitoring (AndroidSDK)…I dont know the name of method in iOS SDK.

If you killed your app,try to restart it.
I do all monitoring in a Service, so if the App and the Service are killed, I just restart the Service in the background.

@alexander,thanks for the answer
i have to use iOS indoor location sdk.
does not update device postition when my app is killed.

if your app is killed, you cant detemine, whether you in or out from indoor “location”, cause all estimote listener are killed.

any other way to tackle this scenario?

imho: the only way is to run an background process.