DeviceConnection method

What I understand is that the DeviceConnectionProvider provides you a DeviceConnection object with the method getConnection(ConfigurableDevice device).

  • After, you can connect to the device with this object: deviceConnection.connect(DeviceConenctionCallback).
  • Once connected, you can access the settings with: deviceConenction.settings.beacon.transmitPower.get(SettingCallback).
  • If you want to change the settings, use: deviceConnection.settings.beacon.transmitPower.set(Integer, SettingCallback).
    Note the possible values for the setting.

A complete code (after recovering the ConfigurableDevice):

Integer newTransmitPower = -12;
DeviceConnectionProvider provider = new DeviceConnectionProvider(this);
DeviceConnection connection = provider.getConnection(device);
connection.connect(new DeviceConnectionCallback() {
    public void onConnected() {
        deviceConnection.settings.beacon.transmitPower().set(newTransmitPower, new SettingCallback<Integer>() {
            public void onSuccess(Integer integer) {
                // Handle setting change success
            public void onFailure(DeviceConnectionException e) {
                // Handle setting change failure
    onDisconnected() {
        // Handle disconnection
    onConnectionFailed(DeviceConnectionException e) {
        // Handle exception