Hi @alexander!
Have you checked out the guide for upgrading to SDK 1.0.0 and above?
There’s been a lot of changes between the two versions, so even if it might not directly address your question, it’s still worth a read.
here my code (only the beacon important parts, without BeaconManager and ConfigurableDeviceListener part):
in onCreate of Activity:
DeviceConnectionProvider connectionProvider = new DeviceConnectionProvider(this);
connectionProvider.connectToService(new DeviceConnectionProvider.ConnectionProviderCallback() {
public void onConnectedToService() {
connectedToConnectionProvider =true;
In my activity, I can see a list with all available beacons nearby.
In an ArrayList, I store the found ConfigurableDevices.
On item click, I call this function:
public void connectToBeacon(ConfigurableDevice configurableDevice) {
if (connectedToConnectionProvider) {
if (configurableDevice != null) {
final DeviceConnection connection = connectionProvider.getConnection(configurableDevice);
if (!connection.isConnected()) {
// Erzeuge eine Verbindung zum Gerät
connection.connect(new DeviceConnectionCallback() {
public void onConnected() {
Log.d("XXX", "onConnected");
public void onDisconnected() {
public void onConnectionFailed(DeviceConnectionException e) {
We’ve checked this on our in-house Nexus 5, running Android 5 (we don’t have a RugGear on hand), but the connection worked OK for us. Maybe it’s something specific to the RG730?