Creating and Sending notification

Please tell how to create message or notification?
What kind of messages can be sent via beacons?
How same can be sent ?
and how to edit notifications?

Kindly guide on process

Rohit Grover

What experience for the end user do you want to create? Are you building an app and want to add beacons support to it?

We want to flash text to the end user.
We are successfully broadcasting URL using Eddystone- URL whenever Physical Web app is refreshed or he re-enters the range of beacon

Please guide on :
How to create or add text to flashed? and what option is to be used.
How to send flash message/ text message continuously after regular intervals?
Is it possible to flash URL without Physical Web app running in background?
Is there anyway we can flash URL after regular intervals?

You said: We are successfully broadcasting URL using Eddystone- URL whenever Physical Web app is refreshed or he re-enters the range of beacon rite?

How are doing that?
I to wanna do the same can you help me with that please.
like the process and the source code


May I know how do you push the Eddystone URL whenever physical web app is refreshed or the person re-enter the range of beacon ?

I am fail to do that. please share how do you do that

Is it possible to push text and images to the phone , so that he can get all his info without connecting to the internet? I read that there is a packet size limit. But several frames could be combined to create the required message.
Also, apart from the sensors and transmitting the UUIDs, is there anything else a beacon can send?
