Could not find com.estimote:proximity-sdk:1.0.5

I have a react native project that detects proximity beacons using the estimote package - GitHub - Estimote/react-native-proximity: React Native wrapper for Estimote Proximity SDK.

Since this Monday, 23/sept, I keep getting this error when trying to compile my react native project.

  • Could not find com.estimote:proximity-sdk:1.0.5.

It seems the com.estimote:proximity-sdk:1.0.5 is not available anymore on mavenCentral, only version 1.0.3 and previous.

Anybody care to share a solution for this problem?
The react native package is quite old and it is already archived since February.
What can react native projects use to detect proximity beacons?
Thank you!

Seconding this - it’s currently blocking us releasing any new versions of our application which are highly dependent on Estimote beacons.