Can't able to change GPIO port value in Estimote Location Beacon

We are integrating Estimote Location Beacon in our iOS app and we have an issue in the following scenario

Basically we are trying to communicate iPhone —> Estimote Beacon --> another device(via GPIO port). We did following steps,

  1. Calling startDiscoveryWithFilter method from ESTDeviceManager class to discover the nearby beacons.
  2. Connecting the selected beacon(ESTDeviceLocationBeacon) by calling its connect method.
  3. On successful connection, we are switching the GPIO ports data(ESTGPIOPortsData) values to ESTGPIOPortValueHigh or ESTGPIOPortValueLow
  4. Allocating the ESTSettingGPIOPortsData instance with ESTGPIOPortsData instance using initWithValue method for the first time.
  5. After first time, writing the ESTSettingGPIOPortsData instance with ESTGPIOPortsData instance using writeValues method.
  6. Then performing writeOperationWithSetting in ESTBeaconOperationGPIOPortsData class

Till 3rd step we are good and the beacons are connecting to the phone. After that, changing beacon’s ESTGPIOPortsData didn’t work and the device connected through GPIO port is not responding(tested with Estimote app and it works).

Also We have to do only for output GPIO port to change the Low to High value. Kindly guide us with necessary details or sample GPIO code to handle this issue.