Do we have any developers who is able to connect to Location Beacon and retrieve beacons temperature and GPIO data.
Looking for ios development using either Objective C or Swift.
Do we have any developers who is able to connect to Location Beacon and retrieve beacons temperature and GPIO data.
Looking for ios development using either Objective C or Swift.
I have not yet played with it but the below github link is where I will be starting.
Thank you Wade for responding
Yes I have looked into it.
All I am looking into is reading temperature sensor and GPIO telemetry packet data.
The code that the github showed is what i implemented and am unable to read temperature data.
So here are my questions
a) Does my App have to connect to beacon device to read the temperature data or not ( I meant connecting is to detect beacon that i intend to read thru its UUID , Major and Minor)
If No need to connect how do i read temperature data and know the temperature is from which device.
b) I am using proximity app template from estimote cloud to connect to location beacon and read sensor data. ( not sure if that is the right way as estimote does not have Location beacon template)
c) the github ios-sdk repository is divided into 2 parts client and utility. not exactly able to figure out what is the difference.
Let me know if more details are required.
Thanks again for all the help.
Wish I could answer any of these questions affirmatively right now but I am going to play with it a little next week as I have a raspberry pi, breadboard, LEDs, switches and jumpers on hand.
I will post my results and some sample code as soon as I get a chance to dig into it.
Thank you. Looking forward to work on this.
So this is the piece of code on my custom App
Using Swift
let devicefilter = ESTDeviceFilterLocationBeacon(identifier: "de396be57fbbdd39539a41fad4e1ce2c")
let temperatureNotification: ESTTelemetryNotificationTemperature = ESTTelemetryNotificationTemperature(notificationBlock: {(temperature: ESTTelemetryInfoTemperature) -> Void in
NSLog("Current temperature: %@ C", temperature.temperatureInCelsius)
using Objective C
self.manager = [[ESTDeviceManager alloc] init];
ESTDeviceFilterLocationBeacon *be = [[ESTDeviceFilterLocationBeacon alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"de396be57fbbdd39539a41fad4e1ce2c"];
[self.manager startDeviceDiscoveryWithFilter: be];
self.manager.delegate = self;
ESTTelemetryNotificationTemperature *temperatureNotification = [[ESTTelemetryNotificationTemperature alloc]
initWithNotificationBlock:^(ESTTelemetryInfoTemperature *temperature) {
NSLog(@"Current temperature: %@ C", temperature.temperatureInCelsius);
[self.manager registerForTelemetryNotification:temperatureNotification];
My best guess is either the registration is not happening or EST telemetry packets are not being sent.
Second thing i noticed is from Estimote app itself
When i Login into the Estimote App - the LED on estimote Location Beacon starts blinking and the moment i logout the light stops blinking.
My thinking on Blinking is broadcasting data ( not sure if i am right or wrong)
Thanks for that. I have to think that info is available when the data is presented on each broadcast so I would think that it is something which is in the object returned from the delegate. I need to drill into the framework a bit to see what’s available and where it might be contained.