Beacon RSSI wrong value with Samsung A5

Hello ,
Recently we face couple of problems with Estimote android sdk ranging in foreground.

SDK tested :
com.estimote:sdk:1.0.15. and we update to the com.estimote:sdk:1.3.0.

Code of ranging :

   private void setupBeacons(Context context) {

    UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(mApplicationUUID);

    mAllBeacons = new BeaconRegion("regionId", uuid, null, null);
    mBeaconManager = new BeaconManager(context);
    mBeaconManager.connect(() -> onServiceReady());
    mBeaconManager.setRangingListener(new BeaconManager.BeaconRangingListener() {
        public void onBeaconsDiscovered(BeaconRegion beaconRegion, List<Beacon> beacons) {

public void onServiceReady() {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

Problem :

  • We are getting a specific problem with the Samsung A5 (SM-A510F) Android 7.0 witch is a wrong RSSI value. Beacons RSSI are always -1 or 0 and the Measured Power is between -50 and -70 . The distance between the device and the beacon during the test is less than 1 m.

Also the Estimate App (2.3.0) is not detecting any beacon when scanning beacon.

The screenshot of debug screen will show you the stack of RSSI on the “Received Beacon Signals” section .

Received Beacon Signals row : Beacon major - Current Rssi - Rssi Stack ( [Rssi5,Rssi4,Rssi3,Rssi2,Rssi1] ) - Beacon name