I am developing an app with the Android indoor sdk version 1.0.0. I am using a tool called Appcelerator, so I have to manually include all the sdk dependencies, which I did (found in the pom file on jCenter).
One issue that I had was that the estimote sdk 1.0.12 and the indoor sdk 1.0.0 both had in their /res/values/values.xml file a tag sdk or Indoor SDK.
Appcelerator generates automatically generates a tag My App Name when the project is built (and so there is no way to change that tag name), and so during the build I get an error that a resource “app_name” has already been declared.
In older Estimote SDK’s (like 1.0.3 that I was using before) they do not have an “app_name” in their values.xml, so is it possible to take this out for future releases? Unfortunately I do not think there is a workaround in Appcelerator. I also tried manually removing that line from the aar files, but then I get runtime errors about classes not being found (EstimoteSDK class in the sdk 1.0.12, and this error from the indoor sdk (using regular sdk 1.0.3):
[ERROR] : HyperloopProxy: (main) [12226,17449] Exception thrown during invocation of method: public final com.estimote.indoorsdk.cloud.IndoorCloudManager com.estimote.indoorsdk.cloud.IndoorCloudManagerFactory.create(android.content.Context), args: [com.worthingtonindustries.estimote.EstimoteApplication@3d7e2ca]
[ERROR] : HyperloopProxy: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.estimote.indoorsdk.b.a.d
I am guessing that that error is from me removing the app_name, because when I open up the jar, com.estimote.indoorsdk.b.a.d does exist.
Is there any way I can fix this issue? Or do I need to wait for an sdk release that doesn’t have the app_name string and/or try to find a workaround in Appcelerator? Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated, even if it does not answer any questions or provide any solutions. Thanks!