2 beacon with 2 different region id , didExitRegion act weird?

2 beacons with 2 region
{first beacon have region_id = 2 , second beacon have region_id = 3}
Beacon with region_id = 2 , represent frontDoorBeacon.
Beacon with region_id = 3 , represent indoorBeacon.

User enter the location and walk inside the store {didEnterRegion get called twice one for notify the app that the user enter the region_id = 2 and the second time for notify that the user enter the region_id = 3} , didEnterRegion called in sort .
NSLog result =>
" Enter region 2"
" Enter region 3"
user go deep inside the store {didExitRegion get called twice one for notify the app that the user exit the region_id = 3 and the second time for notify that the user exit the region_id = 2 } ,didExitRegion should called in sort .
NSLog result should be like this =>
" Exit region 2"
" Exit region 3"

but it is like this ==>
" Exit region 3"
" Exit region 2"

Interesting. Most likely this means that the region3 actually disappears from the device’s radar before region2. I suggest you take our Estimote app, open up the list of devices, and test the visibility/range of the two beacons. Are both of them set to the same Tx power? How are they mounted/placed, any obstructions to the line of sight of the region3 beacon?

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@heypiotr I did and after testing using Estimote app. I notice that beacon disappear in order from the list.

Like we expected but for my app it return the exit region as "Last In First Out "

Enter region 2
Enter region 3

Exit region 3
Exit region 2

which is not true ?

Wow, that’s weird!

This is with Estimote SDK, right? Which version?

Any chance you could try to reproduce with pure Core Location? Estimote iOS SDK builds its beacon ranging and monitoring features on top of it, so I anticipate this could be a “bug” in CL itself, and am looking for a way to verify that.

CLLocationManager and ESTBeaconManager and their delegates are very similar, so testing this hypothesis should only take you a short while.

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yeah i’m using Estimote SDK last version.

I replaced ESTSecureBeaconManager with CLLocationManager but is still the same result. (using the same didEnterRegion and didExitRegion).

do u have any luck finding a way to verify that ?