Telemetry Packets are received only once by the listener Android


I’m using latest Estimote SDK version(1.4.1) in android for getting telemetry packet informations.but while enabling bluetooth, i’m receiving telemetry packet only once for all beacons.Advertising interval for telemetry packets is 200ms.can anyone help me with this issue.

Please use Proximity SDK for telemetry scanning:

Just to add to that, example code on how to use the Bluetooth Scanner from the Proximity SDK to do telemetry detection:

(this is our Android Things documentation, but the same applies to “regular” Android)


Thanks for your response.even after using estimote proximity SDK i’m receiving telemetry packets only once. i need to get temperature information of the beacons every 5 sec.How to do that?

Without any information on Android version, phone model, logs and sample of your code it is hard to answer your question.


Android 5.1.1
Sony Xperia c3 dual

Sample code :

    new Function0<Unit>() {
        public Unit invoke() {
            BluetoothScanner scanner =
            new EstimoteBluetoothScannerFactory(getApplicationContext()).getSimpleScanner();
            ScanHandler scanHandler = scanner.estimoteTelemetryFullScan()
            .withOnPacketFoundAction(new Function1<EstimoteTelemetryFull, Unit>() {
                public Unit invoke(EstimoteTelemetryFull estimoteTelemetryFull) {
                  Log.d("Data"," "+estimoteTelemetryFull.getTemperatureInCelsiusDegrees());
                  return null;
            return null;

    new Function1<List<? extends Requirement>, Unit>() {
        public Unit invoke(List<? extends Requirement> requirements) {
            return null;

    new Function1<Throwable, Unit>() {
        public Unit invoke(Throwable throwable) {
           return null;

What about logs from logcat?

Data 25.0
Data 21.5
Data 20.5

Please provide a proper log from logcat, so we can see if there are some SDK/system errors. This is just sole output from an app (without timestamps and beacon information).