My code cannot differentiate between beacons

my code cannot differentiate between beacons with different IDs, that means when I put this code, it always detect the green one!
**Here is the definitions of the class:
private static final int NOTIFICATIONID = 123;
private static BeaconManager beaconManager;
private static NotificationManager notificationManager;
public static final String EXTRAS
BEACON = "extrasBeacon";
private static final String ESTIMOTEPROXIMITYUUID = "B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D";

private static final Region ALL_BEACONS = new Region(ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID,
        ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID, null, null);
private static final Region DARKBLUE_BEACONS = new Region(ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID,
        ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID, 13735, 11554);
private static final Region LIGHTBLUE_BEACONS = new Region(ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID,
        ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID, 40624, 6456);
private static final Region GREEN_BEACONS = new Region(ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID,
        ESTIMOTE_PROXIMITY_UUID, 28511, 51880);

**Here is the (onEnteredRegion) method:
beaconManager.setMonitoringListener(new MonitoringListener() {
// ... close to us.
public void onEnteredRegion(Region region, List<Beacon> beacons) {

    if (beacons.get(0).getMajor() == DARKBLUE_BEACONS.getMajor() && beacons.get(0).getMinor() == DARKBLUE_BEACONS.getMinor()) { postNotificationIntent("Color: ", "Dark Blue", i);}

        else  if (beacons.get(0).getMajor() == GREEN_BEACONS.getMajor() && beacons.get(0).getMinor() == GREEN_BEACONS.getMinor()) { postNotificationIntent("Color: ", "Green", i);}
                else if (beacons.get(0).getMajor() == LIGHTBLUE_BEACONS.getMajor() && beacons.get(0).getMinor() == LIGHTBLUE_BEACONS.getMinor()) { postNotificationIntent("Color: ", "Light Blue", i);}

can anyone tell me howto edit this post, please.

Hey there,

Can you also attach the line where you startMonitoring(...) and another one where you define the Region? This will help with troubleshooting. Thanks!

Hey Piotr
I guess I have solved my issue, thanks for your care