Estimote Proximity beacons Packet format

Dear Sir,

I ordered the Four Estimote Proximity Beacons.
As explained by Estimote that “Both Proximity and Location Beacons ship with Estimote Telemetry enabled by default” So I want to read that default Estimote Telemetry Data in my nrf52 Dk. In my nrf DK I’m able to scan the Estimote beacons but to get the values I need Proximity Beacons default data Format.
Please help me for this where can i get the Format of beacon data or related Document.

Thanks & Regards
Amit Dhiman

You can find Estimote telemetry packet specification in a form of a Node.js examples on GitHub:

Thank you for your support. Now I am able to get packet for my device.

Following is advitised data of my device and I am able to get my device identifier.

02 01 04 03 03 9a fe 16 16 9a fe 11 c615b3fc8b62b1a4 be 89 6c 67 e5 50 31 1a c1 02 40
02 01 06 03 03 9a fe 17 16 9a fe 00 c615b3fc8b62b1a4 be 89 6c 67 e5 50 31 1a e4 a4 40

“c615b3fc8b62b1a4” this is my device identifier.

Please help: which byte to be read to get elementery frame type, subframe type, version and other values for A and B type.