Estimote + Arkit

Hello guys,
I have a problem when I try to use estimote with Arkit, I always get a call to a funtion sessionWasInterrupted(_ session: ARSession) from ARSCNViewDelegate and dont recover the screen. By the other way, I am capable to print the updated position from estimote. Do you have any ideas to help me?

Did you by chance ever find a solution to this issue? I am finding that when I use Estimote’s ‘experimentalWithARKit’ mode for Indoor Location tracking, it causes similar behavior for my ARSCNViewDelegate. By using the default ‘Standard’ Estimote tracking, everything works fine. When using the ‘experimentalWithARKit’, my ARSession seems to get stopped and will never pick up execution. The error indicates that a Required Sensor failed to load. In this case it’s the ARImageSensor.

This error only shows up when I use the ‘experimentalWithARKit’ mode.



I am having the same problem when using the ‘experimentalWithARKit’ mode.

Any update on this one?


How accurate is the visual representation of my location on the cloud and in the Indoor Location app? For example, my beacons appear almost in the corner of the rooms rather than the middle of each wall, which is where they actually are in the real world.