Beacon triggered notifications (app killed/background mode)


me and my colleagues are researching BLE beacon technology for our upcoming beacon project and we ran into a grey-zone when it comes to push-notifications triggered both by iBeacon and Eddystone protocols. There’s a lot of various information about how these two protocols trigger notifications and interact with both Android and iOS. By browsing the internet we couldn’t find legitimate answers for these questions:

Case 1: (iBeacon interacts with Android)

  • Will beacon trasmitted signal trigger an app installed on Android and push a notification when the app is: 1. Running in background; 2. Completely killed?

Case 2: (Eddystone interacts with Android)

  • Will beacon trasmitted signal trigger an app installed on Android and push a notification when the app is: 1. Running in background; 2. Completely killed?

Case 3: (Eddystone interacts with iOS)

  • Will beacon trasmitted signal trigger an app installed on Android and push a notification when the app is: 1. Running in background; 2. Completely killed?

Common question for both protocols:

  • Is it obligatory to have location services allowed for the app in order to receive beacon signal and trigger the notification? Will there be no notification triggered when location services are off even though bluetooth is on?

Best regards,

Mykolas Jurgaitis