App with Estimote 2.0 SDK not accepted by Apple anymore because of AdSupport.framework?

Previously, I was able to submit my binary with Estimote's SDK 2.0 to Apple. To be able to compile my last binary, I had to include the AdSupport.framework as seen in this post:

Now, when I try to send an updated binary (new version of the app), iTunes tells me:

Improper Advertising Identifier [IDFA] Usage. Your app contains the Advertising Identifier [IDFA] API but you have not indicated its usage on the Prepare for Upload page in iTunes Connect.

After a long research, everyone says it is related to the AdSupport.framework, even though my app does not implement or incorporate any kind of advertising features. They say you need to remove all references to that framework in order for your app to be validated successfully, but even doing so (I have no reference to this framework anywhere in my project), iTunes keeps rejecting the binary - even if I choose to use/turn on the IDFA option (which is brand new to me) while preparing to upload the binary on iTunes Connect.

Anyone with a similar experience or same issue?


Thank you for reporting the issue!
We're looking into this right now and will let you know, once we know something.

Thanks Ola! Not sure if it's only with my project, but I was able to send to Apple before, and now they're picking on the AdSupport framework.
Looking forward.

hi Ola,

Any updates on the subject above?



Yes! We're removing AdSupport from our SDK. Will let you now, once it's done.

Hi again!

Just wanted to confirm - the AdSupport was removed from the current version of our SDK (2.0 beta).

Thanks Ola!

Do you know if Apple will accept the SDK on the App Store now?

It should, we don't know of any reasons it wouldn't accept it.

Hi Ola, thanks for updating. Is there a new link to download it from or should we simply get it again from Github?

Please get it from Github:


Thanks Ola!

Just to update: Apple is accepting binaries with Estimote's framework again. It hasn't approved yet, but at least it didn't complain about "AdSupport" as it did before. Seems like the issue was solved.