How apps should be published?

Hey guys!

I'm about to publish a simple application into App Store.
This application uses a set of 10 beacons. 4 of them help to know if a user in inside a certain region (let's say a group of stores) and the others 6 tell me if a user is nearby a specific store.
I'm using the proximity API in order to block / unblock content based on the location of the user.

I'm wondering how this kind of application should be published, for example if you have a user / password based login you should specify a dummy account for testing purposes.
In my case if a user is not nearby a beacon the application will block all the content.
So, how this application can be tested by apple devs?

Best regards

-- Richard

Hi Richard,

You should be able to provide the reviewer with login credentials so they're able to test the app with all its funcionalities. They might also require sending a physical beacon to their HQ.
