Looking for iOS dev to join our team and develop app POC

Hi there,

We are a London-based startup (www.deskmate.co) looking to develop a very simple app for proximity tracking (less than 1m the app log presence, more than 1m the app doesn’t track) with Estimote beacons. We need to do POC at the moment asap.

We are looking for someone willing to develop POC and join our team. Not looking for consultants.`

Let me know if interested by sending email to hello@deskmate.co including " [tech] " in email subject.

Many thanks,


We are mobile app development company based in India with specialization in beacon technology.

We have expertise in leveraging beacon technology and we can surely help you achieve your goal.

Recently we launched QUICKFOOD, The beacon based food ordering app for the hospitality industry.

Please contact us with more requirements about your project and we can take forward our discussion about the cost part.

Mail us at info@techware.co.in

web: https://www.techware.co.in/beacon.php

Look forward to hearing from you.

Team Techware

@arthur I am happy to develop the POC for you. Can we chat more at mayur@indolytics.com ?

Hello Arthur,

I have sent you an email.


hi, never received your email?

Hello @arthur, I would like to share with you that I have worked on several applications that detects the ibeacons and performs the actions once the ibeacon is detected. I

have worked with several different types of ibeacons such as Estimote, Gimbal, Kontakt.io, Chinese ibeacons. I have

developed following categories of applications that involves ibeacon detection as the key functionality:

  • ibeacon detection for restaurant application to push the various offers.
  • ibeacon detection in offices to detect and calculate the waiting time of the visitors in the office.

Following is the link of the app that i developed recently that works with estimote beacons:
Hoop App:

Roxle demo:
Consumer Side: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6j98gdzx0p7kf7d/Customer.mp4?dl=0
Vendor Side: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0glphemedfxf44/Vendor.mp4?dl=0

So Please do let me know that what will be the major features of the POC we need to implement and the best time window in which we can set up a meeting to discuss it in detail.

Ashish Agrawal